Latest Newsletter

Antonio is celebrating Easter with JOY – because of you!

Thank you for showing him that new life is possible.

“I was broken – I knew I needed Christ in my life.”

When Antonio thinks back on his early childhood, he remembers the bond he shared with his mother. So when he was taken away from her at age 5, he was traumatized. “It was like my spirit was ripped from me,” he shares.

Antonio entered the system and was passed between family members. “I felt I didn’t belong. That instability clouded my outlook.” By 13, he was struggling in school and had started drinking and using drugs in order to escape his pain.

As a young adult, Antonio became trapped in a terrible cycle. Trouble with the law landed him in jail, which led to homelessness, and the streets introduced him to hard drugs.

One day, Antonio heard God’s voice. “He said if I made the effort to get away from the people hurting me, life would get better.” Antonio moved cities and tried to start a new career, but his addiction got in the way. “I was broken – I knew I needed Christ in my life,” he remembers.

“Finding this Mission was like finding an oasis.”

The day Antonio arrived at Bread of Life, he sensed the Lord speaking to him again: “This is where you’re supposed to be.” Antonio lost the desire to run, and peace flowed over him.

Through the structure of our LifeChange Program, Antonio received mentorship from men who’d been through similar challenges. “These guys were true ministers of God’s Word,” Antonio smiles.

Sobriety, patience and hope are just a few changes Antonio experienced at the Mission. He describes his new life as a “blank canvas” as he looks forward to his future.

Thank you for sharing God’s love with Antonio this Easter. His life has been transformed through the joy and hope of the Gospel! “Because of my time here, I feel capable and accomplished. I’m so thankful to the Mission for accepting me with love.”

To read the rest of this issue of The BREAD Newsletter click here.

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Antonio’s story of hope and healing is inspiring. Our long-term recovery programs exist to help other men and women find healing. Will you provide this help to others?