Save the Date: The National Day of Prayer

Join in prayer with others on the National Day of Prayer. Together, we’ll pray for God’s blessing and help for our nation, our city and our hurting neighbors here in Seattle. 

Our Mission Team also wants to lift YOU up in prayer! Please use the space below to submit your prayer requests. (Rest assured, your requests always remain confidential.)

Get your Prayer Guide now! 

If God moves your heart to give a gift in addition to your prayers, you can support Bread of Life Mission and provide life-changing care for our homeless, hungry neighbors. 

Here are some powerful ways you can pray for Bread of Life Mission right now: 

Pray for our Staff, that they will be empowered by the Lord to serve as His hands and feet to our community.

Pray for our Residents, that they will feel supported every step of their journey toward healing and transformation.

Pray for our Volunteers, that their unique talents will be put to good use as they love and serve those who are hurting.

In addition to your prayers, give a gift to provide the meals, shelter and care that struggling people in Seattle need.

Bless you for your fervent prayers and support!

Join our Prayer Team!

The prayers of caring friends like you support and empower our ministry. And joining our Prayer Team – along with other faithful friends – is the best way to know how to pray for us!

God promises He hears us, anytime and anywhere.
Contact Grace Mwangi at (206) 682-3579, ext. 101 or to join the prayer team.