

“You help a lot of people like myself.”

When Roger came to Bread of Life Mission last fall, he had retired from years of truck driving and many other jobs, but not from a lifetime of drug addiction. “I just got tired of doing drugs,” Roger admits. “I wanted to change my life.”

Roger got right into our LifeChange Recovery Program. Today, free of addiction, he plans to come out of retirement and work as a bus driver. In the meantime, when guests come to Bread of Life for a hot meal, as so many will this Thanksgiving, Roger will be here to greet them and offer encouragement. 

Our Holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up, and your gift to Bread of Life Mission today will give hope and help to many hurting people who are not with their families and loved ones.

“It's a good thing you're doing,” Roger tells you. “You help a lot of people like myself with food, clothes and encouragement.”

I would have to say the encouragement is the key to changing lives. It certainly was for Roger. “My attitude changed a lot. I'm more at peace with myself,” he says.

Thank you for giving Roger the chance to renew his relationship with Christ and change his life! Please offer that chance to more men with a gift to Bread of Life Mission today.



